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Black Magic for Death: Signs and Symptoms

Black magic, also known by various names such as witchcraft, voodoo, sorcery, Jadoo, Sehr, and curses, is a form of magic that is used with evil intentions to harm others. In Islam, black magic is a grave sin, and its practitioners invoke evil forces, including jinn, to carry out their malicious deeds. Black magic often begins with the summoning of evil spirits and can affect individuals in various harmful ways. One of the most dangerous uses of black magic is causing death, where no doctor or physician can detect the cause of death. However, there are some signs that indicate the presence of black magic intended for death. These signs include physical, mental, and spiritual changes.

Signs of Black Magic for Death:

  1. Absence of Appetite
    A person under the influence of black magic may lose their appetite entirely, even for their favorite foods. This could be a sign of severe physical and mental distress.
  2. Excessive Physical Weakness
    The individual may become so weak that they cannot perform even basic activities, such as lifting their head or moving their limbs. They may refuse food and water, leading to a complete loss of strength.
  3. Shivering and Coldness
    Unexplained coldness or shivering in the body, even in hot weather, could indicate the body’s energy is being drained by black magic.
  4. Loss of Awareness
    The person may become unresponsive to their surroundings, showing signs of extreme fatigue and confusion. They might also experience insomnia or strange sleep patterns, reflecting the influence of black magic.
  5. Loss of Bladder or Intestinal Control
    The individual may lose control over their bodily functions, which is a clear sign of the weakening of the physical body, often caused by black magic’s slow, debilitating effects.
  6. Unusual Breathing Patterns
    Difficult or labored breathing, whether shallow or deep, could be an indicator that the body is failing due to black magic’s impact.
  7. Talking Incoherently
    A person under the influence of black magic may start talking erratically, mentioning things from the past, or speaking of things that are unrelated to the present.
  8. Talking About the Dead
    A person may mention seeing deceased loved ones or talking to them as though they were still alive. This could be a sign that the person is nearing the end of their life due to the effects of black magic.

Spiritual Changes:

  1. Feeling Light or Detached
    As death approaches, the individual may experience a feeling of detachment from the physical world, as if they are floating or weightless.
  2. Complete Disconnection from the World
    The person may begin to reject all forms of communication and detaches from their loved ones. This could be an indication that the soul is preparing to leave the body.

Do Dreams Indicate Black Magic for Death?

In Islam, dreams are considered significant, and sometimes they may provide hints about approaching death. These dreams can be classified into two categories: distant and near. Some dreams that mystics associate with black magic for death include:

  1. Dreams of the Color Black
    Black in dreams often represents danger, death, or an unknown threat. It is a symbol that calls for introspection and caution. In Islamic tradition, dreams involving blackness or darkness can be a warning.
  2. Dreams About Snakes
    Snakes in dreams can be a sign of impending danger, representing harmful intentions or hidden threats, which could be linked to black magic.
  3. Dreaming of Black Cats
    Black cats are often seen as a symbol of bad luck or misfortune. In some cultures, they are associated with witchcraft and evil. Dreaming of a black cat could signify a warning.
  4. Dreams of Falling Teeth
    A dream where teeth fall out is commonly interpreted as a sign that someone close to the dreamer may pass away.
  5. Dreams of a Crying Baby
    Seeing a crying baby in a dream may be an indication of loss or an impending death in the family.

Islamic Guidance on Dealing with Black Magic:

Islam strongly condemns the practice of black magic. It is important to seek refuge in Allah (SWT) and recite protective supplications, such as Ayat al-Kursi (Surah Al-Baqarah 2:255) and the last two verses of Surah Al-Baqarah (2:285–286), to safeguard oneself from harm. Regular recitation of Surah Al-Falaq (113) and Surah An-Naas (114) also provides protection from the evil of black magic.


Black magic is a harmful and unlawful practice in Islam, and it can have serious effects on a person’s life. While there are certain signs and symptoms that may indicate black magic is at play, it is important to always seek the help of Allah (SWT) and Islamic healing methods for protection and guidance. Through prayer, supplication, and trust in Allah, one can find protection and relief from the effects of black magic.