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Lucid Dreamers can aid in untangling the mystery of perception

The state of consciousness which is still a mystery is while we are dreaming. When we enter the deep sleep, we lose our consciousness – we regain it as we arise into a series of creepy secluded realism. These air pockets of inner experience have always been difficult for psychologists to study scientifically and, as a result, researchers have mostly resorted to measuring brain activity as the sleeper lies passively.


The interest of these facts has again returned when a technique was found which allows real-time communication from within the dream world. The hole which is said to be in between the real world and the dream world is said to be the lucid dream. In this stage, people become awarer that they are in a dream and can influence what happens in that world.

Many studies have proven that most people have this state at some point in their life but that experience might be different for each person. As a result of those studies, many techniques claim to increase the chance of having a lucid dream, but it is also estimated that the effect of any particular strategy is moderate at best.


Cognitive scientists usually combine subjective reports with experiments, to see what people describe their experience, to see what effect it makes. But these are difficult with dreamers because they can’t tell you anything when they wake up and active participation in experiments are difficult when you are separated from the world.

This state is caused by neurons in the brainstem which blocks signals from the action-generating areas in the brain. The shutdown of the system happens when Rapid Eye Movement sleep starts, meaning the starting of the dream with not even a slight twitch. During the dream, the eye movements are not paralyzed.

The sleeper is said to signal when they begin with a lucid dream by using eye movements. The electrodes of the eye movements are noted which the result of it is. This allows us to know what our brain does when we are in a dream.

The potential of lucid dreaming for advancing the science of consciousness, but it is a difficult area to study for researchers. The stage of dreaming is still at exploration but the currents of consciousness run through the tides of sleep.