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Symptoms of carrying illness Evil Eye



In Islam, the concept of the Evil Eye (known as “Al-Ayn”) is taken seriously, and it is understood as a harmful energy or influence that may be directed towards a person due to jealousy, envy, or admiration. Here’s a corrected and clarified explanation in line with Islamic teachings:

What is the “Carrying Illness”?

The term “carrying illness” refers to the burden that comes from harboring negative feelings such as jealousy, hatred, or selfishness. These emotions can be mentally and spiritually burdensome. Often, a person who experiences jealousy or envy doesn’t realize the weight of these negative feelings on their heart and soul. It’s important to note that experiencing jealousy in itself is human, but acting upon it, especially wishing ill upon others, is harmful both to the person harboring the feelings and to the individual the feelings are directed towards.

Islamic Perspective on the Evil Eye:

The Evil Eye can be caused by jealousy or even amazement. It can affect anyone, regardless of their character, whether pious or wicked, and it can be directed by both men and women. The Evil Eye is real, and Islam recognizes its potential harmful effects, even to the point of causing death or illness.

Islamic Teachings on Envy and Jealousy:

Islam teaches that a person should seek refuge in Allah from negative emotions such as jealousy. Instead of wishing for misfortune upon someone who has something you do not, Islam encourages believers to make du’a (supplication) to Allah, asking for what they need and thanking Him for the blessings others have. This attitude leads to inner peace and a reduction in harmful feelings.

The Power of Prayers and Protection:

Muslims are encouraged to seek Allah’s protection from the Evil Eye through regular prayers, supplications, and recitations of specific verses from the Quran. The following verses are often recited for protection:

  1. Surah Al-Falaq (113:1-5) – for seeking refuge from all evil, including the Evil Eye.
  2. Surah An-Nas (114:1-6) – for protection from harm.

The Healing Power of the Quran:

The Quran itself is a source of healing for both physical and spiritual ailments. It has the power to soothe the heart and soul. Many studies have shown that reciting the Quran brings tranquility and relief. Those affected by the Evil Eye should recite Quranic verses such as Surah Al-Falaq and Surah An-Nas, or simply reflect on the words of Allah to cleanse their hearts and remove negative influences.

Compassion and the Example of the Prophet (PBUH):

The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) taught Muslims to embrace compassion and to be content with what Allah has decreed. Envy and jealousy are contrary to the teachings of Islam, as they can lead to feelings of bitterness and resentment. The Prophet (PBUH) said:
“Do not envy one another, do not hate one another, do not turn your backs on one another, and be servants of Allah as brothers.” (Sahih Muslim)

The Role of a Believer:

A true believer should strive to protect their heart from negative emotions like jealousy. Instead of wishing harm upon others, a Muslim should ask Allah to bless those who have what they desire and seek to improve their own situation through prayer and effort.

In conclusion, Islam emphasizes the importance of purifying the heart from jealousy, seeking protection from the Evil Eye, and nurturing compassion and goodwill toward others. Reciting the Quran, making du’a, and following the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) are key ways to protect oneself from the harmful effects of the Evil Eye.

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How to Identify Black Magic on a Person



There are many ways with which you can easily identify that a person is suffering from black magic, in some case while you are a very kind person usually helps peoples and don’t have some serious issues in your daily life rotten meanwhile you suffer from black magic and you find out symptoms over the internet net that a same type of thing you are facing again and again in your daily life rotten which indicates something spiritual and special in your daily life rotten.

Physical Symptoms for Identification of Black Magic

Before you go to the spiritual side of black magic first find out the physical symptoms of black magic with which you can easily diagnosis your condition in this website you can find the physical symptoms of black magic with which you can find out that what exactly you are suffering in this condition. Also if you are suffering from some of them so get a spiritual help from some healer to find out what exactly is your condition is. Because different types of black magic have different type of effects over the victim’s body that’s why it is important to first find out what exactly you are suffering so not down those symptoms and before you move further.

Spiritual Symptoms for Identification of Black Magic

The spiritual side is also most important but for a normal person who is not capable to tackle the black magic attacks or jins attack so we don’t recommend them to deal from the spiritual for your own treatment or to check the black magic, in some cases while the people tried to deal with the patient of demons and exorcism the demons directly attacked on them, so that’s why we don’t recommend you to red any type of holly verses on the victim of black magic to check the spiritual side of black magic. In case of worst black magic and spirit activity the demons can directly attack on the victim and the peoples around so be care full doing any type of practice related read the holly verses, throwing the holly water on the victim or burning any type of amulet that use to remove the black magic.


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Learn the Distance Spiritual Healing with Expert Spiritual Healer



Black magic spiritual healing is not an easy thing which every healer can do, the simple example is if we go through the last 5000 years history of black magic so we will find lot of examples where the black magic has been practiced by the different peoples of different regions in this world. South Africa and Greece are two main places where two different types of black magic has been practised by the magician the one is kabbalah black magic which was practiced by the jews and the other is voodoo black magic practiced by the Buddha followers, Hindus, Jennies and Christens.

The Worst Type of Black Magic

These two types of black magic are known as the worst from of black magic and since hundreds of years been practiced by the magicians and at this time lot of dirty spells are also in practice in these methioned rigions, So the expert healer who can deal with these things can only know the type of black magic with some pre diagnosis. This is one of the most important things in this matter that you find the exact situation that what exactly is happening with the patient/vicitm of black magic.

Spiritual Diagnosis is Most Imporant in Spiritiual Healing

After a long term of practice and dealing with the patients and spiritual exercise can give you the path towards the diagnosis of black magic, the doctor can treat the patient batter if he knows that what symptoms the patient is suffering. So same in spirituality the healers healing is totally bases on the physical symptoms of black magic and other side he should must know the hidden and spiritual symptoms of the victim.

The Reailty of Black Magic

The word black magic in Arabic is called Sihr that means hidden or something hidden from your eyes, so the black magic is basically an hidden evil power work with satans so it is not an easy job for healer to reach at the root point of black magician and where the black magic has been started on the victim. After a years of spiritual practices he learns how diagnosis the exact situation happning with the victim.

Physcial Symptoms in Black Magic

Usually the Black Magic Healers check the patients with physical symptoms and then suggest some healing exercise or spiritual healing treatment but the main thing which is hidden is more important to find out means black magic,  the person involved in doing black magic plus blockage of magician is also required then you can get rid of this evil of black magic.

Distance Spiritual Healing for Black Magic Removal

The distance healing is most important thing in removal of black magic, because once a black magician attacks on the victim he uses the evil black magic powers and then attack on the person, the magician reads satanic words and calls the evil powers by using different methods like alter rituals tantar mantar spells jantar etc  all these things are used to call the satans after that magician deals with them to influence the person who he want to suffer with black magic. So this hidden evil powers works in background and the ritual/spell start working on victim.

So that’s why the only way is distance healing with which you can block the magician and removes these evils of magic, if the healer is capable to stops the black magic spell/alter/ritual in the process so the black magic will no more works on victim. So the important thing in spiritual healing is the blockage of magician so he will no more attacks on the victim.

Spiritual Healing for Black Magic Removal

If you would like to learn the spiritual healing techniques with which you can treat your self, family, friends or loved ones so you can get in touch with us for the proper healing course and after that you will be capable of doing spiritual distance healing, and through holistic healing therapy you can remove the effects of black magic, can blocks the peoples involved in doing black magic on you and you will be capable of blocking of the magician and their dirty ritual. Also another best thing is that you can get yourself protected from the futures attacks of black magic.

So all of thes spirituality concers you can easily learn through the spiritual healing techniques so for more information you can contact us the details are given on the website plus an expert healer is available for your help to get rid of black magic.

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How Distance Spiritual Healer Works for the Black Magic Healing



In depth if we go through the spiritual healing so we knows that the spiritual healing is a technique connected with Allah SubhanwatAllah Noor or light energy this light energy is directly connected with our bodies mind and sole and helps is removal of black magic and evils from us.

The professional spiritual healers heals this energy through different methods and sometime thay take help from Quran by reciting different Ayats and gain the spiritual powers by sitting alone and doing different type of spiritual practices, the other side the black magician uses different type of ritual and perform different type of alters and reads satanic words to gain satanic and evil power.

Once you suffers from any type of black magic and you find out some black magic healer for the cure of your problem through the black magic spiritual healing so the expert healer heals you spiritually by the white light energy directly concerns with Allah, Only the Muslim healers can heal the magic and as compare to other religions there is no one  can treat the patient of black magic.

There are different types of spiritual healing techniques which commonly the healers use but some of them are most authentic commonly known as holistic healing therapy where the healer can easily heal any person around the world remotely.  This healing technique can easily heal any type black magic, voodoo, curse of voodoo, hexes, kabbalah or any other black practice done by the magician can be remove through holistic healing therapy.

If you need to know more about this spiritual healing practices you can get in touch with us through the contact portion on this website also for your problems of black magic and its proper cures you can get in touch with us for your proper diagnosis, treatment and permanent protection.

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